How to Handle Disruptive Behavior of the Child?

In past few years the awareness for the challenging behavior in preschoolers has increased to a considerable amount. According to a survey 21% of the toddlers suffer with diagnosable disorders. The most important part is that, to know about these challenging behaviors of the kids.


Here are few noticeable symptoms –

  1. Destructive Behavior
  2. Harmful for self & others
  3. Biting
  4. Eating Inedible stuff
  5. Stereotype (repetitive behavior.)

There are few others symptoms too, like screaming, eating fast and running away, nail biting, flopping etc. Question is that whether regular growing kids can also be challenging kids or not? The answer is yes, it is our responsibility to talk to kids and help them get away these challenging behaviors at early childhood.

Handle this Behavior

Patience – Yes, it is expected from us is a lot of patience. Dealing challenging behavior of kids can be hard at times and many of the times you feel like giving up, but what you must keep in mind is that, your little patience and endurance today can give this child a normal life throughout.

Assessment – This is the primary step when coming to dealing with kids with challenging behavior. Here you need to do deep analysis of the kid’s behavior and find out the reason that triggers that behavior. These behavior are generally triggered by two things, either a child wants a certain thing or wants to get away with anything

Positive plan – We make the positive behavior plan to change the challenging behavior of the kid. The idea of the plan is to reinforce the desired behavior in the Child. Small win lead to greater victory.

When you would realize that you have helped the child to get a transition that will help the child to perform better at all stages in his/her life, is a joy that can’t be expressed in words. The child at that stage needs support and care from parents more than anyone else that will help them grow into confident adults!

“A child, whose behavior pushes you away, is a child who needs connection more than anything else.” Kelly Bartlett